India and China among the Toughest Job Markets for Employers

Most of the Human Resource heads across corporate India acknowledge that there is a shortage of top quality talent, particularly at the top level. They feel that finding appropriate individuals with a strategic foresight and a global view is an issue, and due to the rapid evolution of the business world, it has become essential for companies to find leaders who are capable of reorganizing priorities. Hence to put up with these issues most of the companies have developed strategies to build and nurture talent internally.      

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Indian companies are forced to developed innovative strategies such as hiring professionals from un-related fields with the required soft-skills, to survive in the market. Most of the employers feel that individuals with the right kind of experience not necessarily in the same field have the ability to deal with the shortcomings and can be put at the helm, especially at middle and senior level hiring. 

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The survey also reviled that money and new challenges for professional development in another company are the two major reasons for top employees to leave a company.