How to Get Hired at Facebook?

6. Consider the company culture:

While attending various rounds of interview, you will get to know the company culture. As Facebook is known for its laid-back work environment, some may not like to work in such circumstances. One size fit all is nevertheless impossible in every job and in every company. The choice of work environment differs from people to people as some would like working in a structured work environment, whereas, some like more casual work place. It is sensible to speak with your would-be manager and also with few of the co-workers before you join.


7. Know the appropriate interview attire:

The laid-back culture of the Facebook never means you to pick some casual wardrobes for the interview. Business professional attire will be the best choice you can find for an interview, even if the interviewers are not in plaid-suit. When you select your interview attire, you should keep in mind you need to present yourself best among your interviewers. Dressing-up well is also an important parameter of hiring.