How Leaders Kill the Joy of Work?

Lack of systematic approach:

Many of the leaders are facing the situation as they do much discussion on what to do next for further level of improvement. Seemingly, after bringing up new ideas to work on, very few are moving ahead with that as others are stopped going with that. Being updated in the industry is most relevant to come up with more productively. You should not discard any initiatives by others and you don’t address them as ‘dump’. So that it can make them feel their importance in the organization which helps them to enjoy their work.



Failed to support:

An organization cannot go smoothly, if the employees are the kind of bashing each others. While most of the firms face a last time changes in their running projects, it is important to have a supportive team. If you failed to support others, you may meet troubles at time when you need to be supported.  Very complex reporting structure of your firm also demands to build up an encouraging team with you. Many times, leaders are lost a supportive team as they overruled subordinates.



Unattainable goals:

Being a leader or a manager when you set a goal for your team, that should sound realistic for your team.  Also you have to value your work by making it connected to others values and emotions. If you set an unachievable and completely blurred goal, others will remark it as a crap to break their head. You must also give relevant and strategic direction to your subordinates and it can make them refreshed and re-energized to work on the target. It also brings a forward momentum to the employees.