How Leaders Kill the Joy of Work?

Bangalore: I am sure each one of you feel privileged when you get a job where you experience the joy of working. But in many cases you are able to experience this sought of joyfulness rarely as you have some or the other person dominating on your work. According to Harvard’s Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer, most of the senior executives normally weaken their employee’s creativity, productivity and commitment by damaging their employees working nature, reports Dan Erwin on his website. To ensure a happy inner work life for employees, leaders should address the trap they more often fall into.  Understanding the power of advancement in meaningful work can help you to mould a progressive work atmosphere, unfortunately, most of the leaders have not understood this.


Lack of excellence:

Lack of excellence can be a reason for meaningless work which can stop innovative ideas. The more you know the more perspectives you have to improve your work style. As a leader when you stick on cost savings, you possibly cut off your employees. But it simply signals being a leader how cowardly you manage your firm and it may cost you no progression but just static business. The quality of work can bring happiness to the workplace. So when you assign a task, make sure it is competent.