How does Your Boss Make Promotion Decisions?

Bangalore: Have you ever wondered that how your colleague got promoted in a higher position? If yes, then you should definitely read this article as it is exclusively for you. Penn Schoen Berland from Georgetown University was quite interested to know how managers make promotion decisions; therefore he conducted 303 interviews with senior business executives at U.S. based companies with at least 1,000 employees. He found out that if a person wants to get promoted, he/she should need to prosper at these areas; excelling in your position, leadership potential, strong interpersonal skills, job related skills, history of strong performance reviews, reports Bryce Christiansen of You Tern ALPHA.

Although it is quite obvious that job performance and producing good work is quite necessary to advance in career. Penn Schoen noted a very appreciable fact that in order to get promoted one needs to have healthy interpersonal skills and leadership potential. That is where most of the professionals fail as they might be quite good at their respective jobs but may lack the talent to lead or communicate effectively with a team.