Horrible Words & Phrases Better to Avoid in Your Resume to Get Noticed

4. The word ‘Communication skills’:
All the companies in the world expect their potential employees to be very much communicative by nature, no matter which position or the department you serve for. So, there is nothing unique in describing yourself as a very communicative person in your resume as that might be mentioned by everyone who has submitted their resume for the same post for which you have applied. So, if you are smart enough you can use your good communicative skills by impressing the recruiters face to face than putting it on papers, just for the sack of filling the gap.

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5. Mentioning your ‘Hobbies’ and ‘Interest’:
It is advised to keep these two words away as far as possible because, you are preparing a professional resume and not filling up an audition application. A recruiter just wants to see your academic background and the professional skills you have adapted in your personality or in your work-nature. It is advised to keep your resume short and simple, by providing just the needed information to them.