Horrible Words & Phrases Better to Avoid in Your Resume to Get Noticed

2. Words like ‘Dynamic’ and ‘Motivated’:
It is accepted that these powerful words might describe your personality in a better way in the eyes of your recruiter, but it is better to quit them using in your resume as you need to leave it for the company to decide how good you are. Apart from that, if these skills are not necessary for the job you are applying for, it is better to quit those words from the resume and instead use other words or skills that are been expected by the recruiter. More than that, using the words like ‘Dynamic’ and ‘Motivated’ on the resume is of no use unless and until you try and prove it practically.
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3. Use of the word ‘High School’:
Yes, use of the word ‘High school’ is not at all necessary, especially if you have completed your Masters and PhD in your academic life. If your recruiters get to know about your higher education and in which subject you have completed it, definitely for them high school results doesn’t matter for a greater extent.

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