Highest Paid Government Jobs in India

3. Indian Cost Guard [ICG]:

To work as an employee in the ICG is such a prestigious thing that any one like to dream about. You can gain privilege as well as you can be very well respected by the general public if you serve in a high post in the ICG. A bachelor’s degree with minimum marks of above sixty is needed in critical subjects of math and science to serve in this ICG positions. The demand of pilots is growing day by day here. The officers are appointed in the ICG in any one of four branches namely, the General Duty officer who are assigned some of the operational tasks like the command of weapons systems, crews and vessels, navigation systems etc; they are selected as the pilot officers to serve in the air wing of the ICG; technical officer to operate the advanced technology and also to command the maintenance wings, these technical officers must have a engineering degree to get selected; last but not the least law officers key responsibility is to act as the legal advisers to their relevant commanders. The pay for these professionals is also awesome depending upon the positions they handle.

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