Five-point Strategy to Prop Up Teamwork in the Office

3. Establishing Roles:

A well-defined roles and accountabilities for each team member will help sorting out the problems met in a team. The assigned responsibilities should be according to the interests and skills of the team members. In order to bring their maximum potentials, they need to understand their responsibilities. To cover up an absence of any team members, team leader should assign the roles in a clear-cut manner to avoid any hullabaloos.

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4. Conflict Resolution:

Conflicts and misunderstandings are common events while working together with different set of people. But, to remain goal-oriented and to save the project for not hindering, every problem raised should be discussed. Also there should be a practical approach to sort it out.

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5. Setting Good Examples:

A team leader is the person who asked to establish this strategy and the first one to track it. Once if he exhibits this qualities, that will make it easy to make team members to work accordingly. But, of course not only the team leader, every one of the members should foster these qualities and strategy to inspire themselves and others.