Essential Things You Can Learn About New Office

4. Personal Phone Calls:

Usually office phones are only used to do calls regarding the work. But there are many employees, who make use of that phone for personal phone calls which many companies prohibit to use. If you are unsure about whether to use office phone for your personal use, check with your team mates whether you can use it or not. If you can use it for any emergency or private calls regarding your personal issues you can make use of the phone at the conference rooms and the call is not private, you can use the phone which is next to your desk. Without confirming about whether you can use it or not don’t make use of it at all because it might create some problem in the future.

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5. Taking Sick Leave:

Every company follows a set of rules and regulations and it has to be followed by each one of its employees without fail.If you are suppose to take any kind of sick leave or an optional leave, there are certain rules and regulations and leave applications that has to be filled up. So, check out all the companies rules and regulations before taking any leaves and if you are taking a sick leave you need to submit doctor’s certificate if your leaves extends more than a day.

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