Essential Things You Can Learn About New Office

Bangalore: Every company has different company culture. So, as a new employee in that office, you need to learn about and get adjusted with the company’s rules and regulations as soon as possible. Before, every company had their own company handbook that involved strict guidelines to be followed by every new employee in the company, but the situation is not the same any more as many companies leave it to the employees to judge on what they want to be to present themselves elegantly at the workplace. The companies are just concerned about the work they want from the employees to be done. As an employee, it is your duty to try meeting your employer’s expectations. So, here are few essential things suggested by Sara Yoo on the Savvysugar website, that you can learn about the new office with your own simple observations in the starting first two weeks of your joining date.

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1. Office Working Hours:

Though every office might have quite similar working hours, there might be few minute changes in it. At many companies, employees need to report on time and it depends upon their work on by what time they are able to leave the office every day. So, as a new employee, check with the HR department about your reporting and leaving time.Make sure you finish all your day’s work on time by reporting on time and to leave as early as possible.