Engineers and IT Managers Are In-Demand All Over the Globe: Study

As per Matt Ferguson, CEO of CareerBuilder, any position that remains vacant for an extended period of time can have an adverse effect on both the monetary health of an organization and the overall morale of the employees within the organization. And he added that he expects more recruiters and hiring managers to embrace data tools that can help them gauge market demand and deliver the required labor in specific areas/cities, so that they can modify their hiring tactics and fill vacant positions in an appropriate manner.

The report also added that though the profiles that are hardest to fill vary from one nation to another, there were some similar trends spread across the globe. One thing that is common to all ten nations that were involved in the study are that engineering, technology positions, and revenue-driving profiles such as sales and customer service took the longest time to fill.

Engineers, IT managers, sales representatives, accountants are among the profiles that took the longest time to fill in the U.S. and the British Isles. In China, HR professionals were also in-demand along with the usual suspects, which include the likes of engineers, mechanics and computer programmers.

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