Dumbest Mistakes Managers Ever Do!!

4. Fail in trusting your employees:

Trusting is a very vital aspect to consider especially if you are a manager. If you fail in it, you can’t expect anything good from your employees if you don’t have any faith in them. It will be helpful for you if you get to know which employee is trust worthy for your challenging projects which are coming up in the future. But you must also not forget to treat your employees as if they are untrustworthy, so that they work even better and harder to gain your trust which will be helpful for your company.

5. Take decisions and then ask for employees input:

This is really considered as the silliest mistakes which a manager can perform. It is not worth if you make decisions and later take opinions of our team. If you make it as a routine act, your employees may not take you seriously anymore and they lose confidence on you. Enable your employees to make decisions about their work as it is considered to be the heart of employee empowerment and engagement.  But make sure, you won’t put much workload on one single employee and suffocate them.