Dumbest Mistakes Managers Ever Do!!

2. Failing to get to know your employees as the people:

This is one such silly mistake the managers usually commit. Many of them fail to know their employees as person, as they think it is not much important to get into their personal issues. This is a mistake to be avoided because it helps you to build a strong as well as healthy relationship with your employees so that you get to understand them even better, that does not mean you need to be your employee’s counselor or a therapist to build a god like relationship with them.

3. Don’t giving good directions to them:

It is a key responsibility of a manger to give clear directions to his team. But many of them are failing to direct the juniors. It is good for a manager who clearly explains his employees on what actually they are expecting from his employees, so that they can work according to it. Ask your employees to consider every task as a priority and act according to that.