Dreadful Career Mistakes You Must Get Off in 2013

2. Working in Isolation:

Now a day’s, most employees tend to disregard the benefits of teamwork. Meeting deadlines, staying focused on the task at hand, and performing better than last year is all that matters to them. They pretend to be self-centered and care less about developing their networking and other interpersonal skills at work. They fail to realize that there is a beautiful world beyond their cubicle and department.

Moreover, working in teams or groups will help you to distribute the workload, share ideas or views, share responsibilities and create a healthy working environment, as a result of which you will be able to carry out something bigger and better every day, which ultimately will lead you to the path of success.

Also try to meet people from outside your department and have an open discussion at lunch or during breaks. This will help you to imbibe knowledge, and also will help you to widen your network.