Dreadful Career Mistakes You Must Get Off in 2013

1. Switching Jobs Frequently:

Presently, most individuals who enter the workforce are building a reputation as chronic job changers. They fail to realize that job hopping can do more harm than good to their respective careers. It may actually put the brakes on their corporate climb.

Job hopping reflects badly on the resilience and loyalty of an individual. They could be seen as someone who lacks commitment, is directionless, being money-minded, lacks self-motivation, and prone to feeling restless at the workplace. In addition, recruiters may not be convinced that such individuals have gained enough experiences and the required job skills, since they have not stayed in any particular company for a prolonged period. Recruiters may also be worried that such individuals may leave the company shortly after being hired, forcing them to look for an alternative.

Hence, when you take up a job, try to make sure that you are getting into something that you will enjoy doing. Don’t get into a job since it looks lucrative and glamorous from outside or just for the sake of picking up one. You will ultimately end up frustrated and will try to switch soon.