Does Cloud Really Matter for Your IT Job?

Does Cloud Really Matter for Your IT Job?

While China and India are few of the early adopters of cloud computing, the job market in both countries together expected to generate around 6.8 million cloud-related jobs by 2015. The expected growth in job industry with cloud-enabled jobs will be falling into two main streams; the jobs which created while cloud applied for business growth and competition will be mainly in sales, marketing, operating, engineering etc. And the second stream of job openings is expected while cloud computing applied for creating new services or business which demands new hiring.

As cloud computing frees enterprises from the existing constraints of the client/server model, enterprises are asked to spend huge investments in infrastructure to pursue technological solutions to business problems. The availability of private and public IT cloud services will help emerging markets to access the benefits of cloud computing just like any other large enterprises or developed nations can.

Traditional IT roles like managing software and hardware will be no more in new cloud-running business enterprises, but in other hand it increases the need of IT staffs to manage the shift to cloud computing and to monitor the new system.