Difference between Getting Terminated and Resigning

4. Being Terminated May Complicate Your Job Search:

Trying to find a job after outright termination is a tricky and the most complicated mission for an individual with any level of technical expertise. Explaining the reasons for termination is difficult, uncomfortable and sometimes excruciating. Trying to claim his / her candidature as the perfect-fit to the open position, along with explaining the reasons for failure at their most recent career venture is nothing less than an individual’s most dreadful nightmare. And it is a fact that resignation would be overlooked by most of the employers, while termination will be scrutinized very dearly.    

At the end of the day, resignation is a graceful option than outright termination. A resignation gives an individual precious time in the form of grace period, during which he / she can get their financial house in order, find an appropriate replacement and tie up the loose ends before stepping into the world of unemployment.

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