Degrees That Will Surely Get You a Job In 2013

#4. Healthcare Administration:

This is a degree that is poised for success in the future. A healthcare administration degree will provide an individual with the necessary skills required to succeed as the administrator of a healthcare facility and home in on their leadership potential. There are plenty of roles a grad with healthcare administration can move into. They can either opt to work in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and emergency care clinics, or work in insurance companies and other public health agencies. While numerous jobs are being replaced with the advancements in technology, healthcare is not one among them.

#3. Computer / Information Science:

Thanks to the invasion of technological into each and every field of life, the demand for skilled grads in computer or information science is at an all time high. There are numerous companies waiting to snap up proficient talent who are well equipped in coding, programming, or other highly technical skills.

More: Top 5 Jobs with Best Growth Prospects in 2013

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