Degrees That Will Surely Get You a Job In 2013

#5. Accounting / Finance:

Presently, fresh grads with an accounting or finance degree are the most sought after entities in the business world. The demand for these grads is driven by the growing need for number crunchers in business organization and the ever-increasing number of baby boomers seeking advice on retirement, investments, estate planning and more. In addition, the greater scrutiny of the financial records of a company, increase number of business ventures, ever-changing financial rules and regulations are bound to create greater number of employment opportunities for grads with an accounting or finance degree in the coming years and beyond.

Though advancements in technology have made computers capable of handling large financial data efficiently, most employers are not willing to take the risk and let the computers handle their financial data completely. It is for this reason that grads with accounting or finance degree continue to be in high demand.

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