Deadly Types of Hiring Manager You Have Never Seen

1. The Distracting Recruiters:

These are another type of deadly or you can also call them as annoying recruiters, whom you should wish not to meet anytime in your job search in the future. These type of recruiters are least bothered about the importance of filling a post in their company. There only aim is to hire someone and recruit for that post as soon as possible without much examining the candidate. So, you as a productive candidate, gradually feel bad if the recruiter is not communicating well with you or concentrating on what you are saying or answering. The most common behavior these type of recruiters present is that, they keep on interrupting in between the conversations and most of the time they particularly avoid you from completing from what you wanted to tell them by diverting both yours as well as their attention for some other things like suddenly calling someone inside the interview room and start conversing with them, by cutting your dialogue without even asking an excuse or asking you to hold on.

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So, if you ever come across such type of recruiter, it’s better to avoid them than tolerating their misbehavior towards you.  

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