College Degrees with Lowest Unemployment Rates

4. Communications:

The study of communication essentially offers an individual insight into the world of language and expression, how people use these essential tools to interact with others, and how to effectively use these communication tools to effectively craft messages, create sound arguments and even write effective speeches. The field of communication focuses on how people use a language to generate meanings within and across various contexts, channels, cultures and media.

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This is an ideal career option of individuals if they excellent communication skills. An individual with a communication major can opt to work in fields such as business, advertising, communication education, electronic media / broadcasting, journalism, public relations, theater / performing arts, government / politics, high technology industries, international relations, negotiations, social service, human service and more.  

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A graduate in communication can opt to work as an announcer, broadcast engineer / technician, sound engineer / technician, editor, film editor, interpreter, translator, writer, author, etc.