College Degrees with Lowest Unemployment Rates

3. Agriculture and Natural Resources:

This is an ideal career options for individuals who love to work with nature. Agriculture and natural resources majors basically provide a thorough understanding of how natural living system function and evolve, how they can be managed to conserve biodiversity and provide benefits to people. These majors basically prepare an individual for traditional careers in environmental education, resource management, conservation of natural resources / ecology, and evolution of natural resources.  In addition, these degrees provide a broad general understanding of the significance, functioning and conservation of living systems.

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A graduate in agriculture and natural resources can opt to work with various profit and non-profit organizations such as agriculture products manufacturers, fermentation companies, forest management agencies, biotechnology firms, weed control companies, pharmaceutical firms and more. Some of the related occupations include agricultural business representative, forester, plant geneticist / breeder, agricultural inspector, agronomist, biologist, seed analyst and so on.

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