College Degrees That Will Help You Earn Big Bucks
Degree #2- Psychology:
Psychology is the study of human / animal mind, behavior and thoughts. The main motive of a bachelor’s degree in psychology is to educate and helps an individual to understand the various different ways in which humans think, feel, learn and act. It basically helps an individual to acquire the required skills to easily enter people’s mind and understand their thoughts.
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The multi-faced nature of this college degree opens up a wide range of job opportunities as a psychologist. A grad who specializes in educational psychology can seek to be employed in schools, colleges or universities as councilors. In addition, there is a huge demand for clinical psychologist in nursing homes, hospitals and clinics. Moreover, presently various NGOs, rehabilitation centers, development agencies, child / youth guidance centers and prisons are also recruiting counseling psychologists to help old aged, mentally retarded, drug addicts, victim of violence / war and child labors. Even corporate houses and industries are also recruiting psychologist for assisting employees suffering from management, marketing and administrative problems.
According to the pay scale website, the average annual income of a psychologist is around 73,791 –
10, 66,582.