College Degrees That Will Help You Earn Big Bucks
Bangalore: It is always advisable to choose a college degree that makes you happy and allows you to pursue your desired career path. In addition, it is also very essential for every aspiring individual to interact with people working in that particular field and obtain valuable feedbacks about the career and the appropriate degree you should be aiming for.
Here is a list of some on-demand college degrees that will help you earn big bucks, as reported by Sarah Tann and Deanna Ting on Yahoo Education website.
Degree #1- Business Administration:
If you wish to pursue a career with immense earning potential, a bachelor’s degree in business administration is the best option. In fact, a business administration degree gives you the most practical skill set necessary for a large variety of jobs. This degree teaches students to control, direct, plan and organize an organization’s internal and external activities.
More: Hot Careers That Have Solid Pay Potential
Personal financial advisor, financial assistant, insurance underwriter, administrative assistant, general / operations manager and administrative services manager are a few examples of potential career paths that a bachelor in business administration could pursue.
As reported on the pay scale website, the average annual income [approximate] of various career options of a bachelor’s in business administration grad is mentioned below-
Marketing manager ( 2, 36,501 –
14, 84,216)
Business development manager ( 2, 44,253 –
14, 11,719)
SAP consultant ( 2, 59,387 –
10, 81,850)
Human Resource manager ( 2, 02,722 –
12, 12, 023)
Business Development manager ( 2, 44,253–
14, 11,719)
Human Resource generalist ( 99, 500-
4, 74,272)