Best Recession-Proof Careers of All time in India

6. Government:

This is one of the most underrated, but amongst the most stable sectors in India. Not only it is rarely downscaled, but the government sector is known to create new job opportunities during recession.

With a major chunk of the government employees expected to retire by 2016, leaving open positions at various levels of the government, there will be numerous job opportunities at both the local and central level. A number of job opportunities are expected to be created in civil services, police service, defense and other regulatory bodies of the government.

7. International Business:

Presently, IT companies, consulting firms, nonprofit organizations, and even government bodies are going after global markets, as a result of which individuals with international expertise, foreign-language skills, or a willingness to move abroad are in demand. The fact that the global economy can only grow and expand in the coming years, the employment opportunities in this sector is bound to be in a great shape in the future.