Best Recession-Proof Careers of All time in India

4. Environment:

Environment is the sector to look out for in the coming years.  With increased emphasis in greener energy and the worldwide push to make homes, office and other buildings more energy-efficient and the increase demand to develop alternative sources of energy such as wind, solar, and cell technology, the career opportunities in environment sector will continue to rise, irrespective of the economic conditions.

5. Financial Services:

Rising from the ashes of economic meltdown, career in financial services has a bright future. As business firms struggle to meet their respective financial goals and the need for skilled financial workers who can advise on how to make the money last, assist business decisions, help improve managerial effectiveness, and keep the struggling business afloat, the demand for professional in this field is at an all time high. Presently, the demand for skilled workers such as investment bankers, accountants, attorneys, and people with experience in managing the corporate processes is soaring.