Best Part Time Jobs for Students within Their Campus

Teaching Assistant

Being a Teaching assistant could offer you responsibilities which are much more informal than that of a teacher. Probably giving a training session for a large group of freshmen can be your job or sometimes even handing out assignments or conducting tests. If you look up for enhancing your teaching skills, then starting off with a part time like this can help you build your career in the teaching line and move forward with opportunities that include similar work.

Tour Guide

Knowing your campus can be of great use. You can find a part time job in the Admissions department of your college and help them by introducing potential students to the campus through group tours. Newcomers need to be guided by the outgoing students or the ones who are a part of the college which could give them a sense of being part of an esteemed university. A job within your college campus would be an excellent opportunity to work with your college departments and learning at the same time.

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