7 Greatest Mathematicians of All Time

Bangalore: Mathematics, often called as the language of universe or the backbone of the world, is one thing that you either love or hate. Those who fall on the other side of love, you might still have nightmares of appearing for a math test, even years after graduation.

Mathematics by nature is an abstract subject and it can be hard to master if you don't have a good teacher to guide you. But even if you are not a hardened math fan, it is very hard to dispute that the subject hasn't been a vital factor in the evolution of mankind. We reached the moon because of math, it allowed us unlock the mysteries of DNA, mathematics helped us create and transmit electricity over hundreds of miles, and most of all, it gave rise to computers. Without mathematics, we would still be living in caves eating raw meat or getting eaten by hungry carnivores.

Our history is filled with numerous mathematicians who helped advance our collective understanding of the world around us, but there are a few standouts whose brilliant work and intuitions changed the way we look at things and helped shape the modern world. Their thoughts and discoveries continue to influence our everyday life, even after hundreds of years after their death. We picked 7 of the most brilliant mathematicians to ever set foot on the planet, as listed by OMG Toplists and other sources.

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