Best Jobs for Introverts and Extroverts

Bangalore: Every individual has a different personality, one may be too social by communicating with different people and the other may always prefer to be alone and likes to be away from a group of people. Likewise, you may be having one of such personalities which you may disagree when someone points out your real nature. But when it comes to career perspective, you might have heard many people saying being an introvert especially, can be your biggest problem in your career path as they are more limited in terms of choosing their careers. But, this article doesn’t seem good if I concentrate particularly on introverts. So, here are some of the fields, which have respective designations for both introverts as well as extroverts with each field as per their personality, reported on the College, Career, Life Website.

1. Accounting and Finance Field:

Many of the extroverts prefer management positions at the same time, in the case of the introverts, they usually prefer staying behind the scenes doing research and work on financial analysis. If you are the one who can build good connections easily, then you can be an enthusiastic entrepreneur. For higher studies, extroverts can enroll in a traditional university programs for your Masters in accounting and finance and if you are an introvert who can’t socially adjust with anybody, there are opportunities for you to get your Masters Degree program online. So, in the accounting and finance field introverts can work as an credit analyst, financial analyst and as a staff accountant and for extroverts it is posts like personal financial adviser, financial manager, financial services sales agent which suits your personality.