Meet the Most Famous Introverts of the World

Bangalore: Have you ever thought you are an introvert and you feel bad about that? You might have experienced difficulty while you are an introvert especially in the workplace. You might have just been ignored by your seniors or co-workers at your office just because of your introversive attitude. According to Susan Cain, Author of the book, “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking”, she is of the opinion that there must be a better balance and enclosure of different working style, as the introverts have one set of nature of work and extroverts have another set of working style. She has also told that there are many things to learn for both introverts and extroverts from each other. So, without worrying more on your introvert nature, have a look on all the famous introverts who have achieved a lot in their life and are recognized throughout the world. It can be your chance to get influenced by those achievers, in order to become an achiever.

Larry Page [Google Co-Founder]:

Even though Larry Page is an introvert, he is one of the most influential people in the world. But he is considered as an introvert because he is not an active social media user. As many people believe that only extroverts can be successful leaders, Larry is bold enough to motivate others by his work. He also became the latest example by acquiring the prestigious role of a CEO of the Internet Giant Google. He showed that even an introvert can become a leader and flourish in spite of strong cultural bias against him.