Meet the Most Famous Introverts of the World

Warren Buffett [ Richest Person in the World]:

Although this richest man is considered as an introvert by many people, he had just two rules to believe for his success. The first was, as he said, Never to lose money at any circumstances and the second was to never forget his first rule. This was the main secret behind his success and it was his investing approach. He also believed that it is better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price. As he believed all these, he has now become the world’s greatest investor.

JK Rowling [Author of Harry Potter Series]:

Despite Rowling is the famous author of the famed Harry Potter Series, she calls herself an introvert. But in spite of calling herself as an introvert, she was been voted as the most influential woman in Britain. In the year 2008, she won an Outstanding Achievement award and praise from the than Prime Minister Gordon Brown, for her series of the popular novel “Harry Potter”.