Best Counters To 9 Common Interview Questions
6. If You Were The CEO Of This Company What Would Be The Top Two Things That You Would Do?
In a day and age of technology where information is so readily available, employers expect you to carry out appropriate research about the company before turning up to an interview. And this question is intended to see what you know about the organization.
Ideal answer to this question can be like, "I believe communication is the key in any organization. I would have to make certain that my vision and goals with regards to the organization are clearly put across and understood by each and every individual in my team. And since communication is a two way process, I would put in measures to get a clear and accurate feedback from front line staff in relation to where improvements could be made. Secondly I would ensure that I will have a precise understanding of the challenges that we might encounter in the next few years and put in place an appropriate structure that will help us deal with whatever the future might offer."
You can an also add any relevant concerns that you have identified through your research that may have an effect on the organization in the future.