Best Career Options for Indian Women

4. Medicine:

Medical field is one of the challenging fields as the one who selects this field has to be very much responsible because it is all about dealing with the people’s life. For a woman, if she opt this field and start practicing privately she doesn’t have to fix their timings as she can choose her own working hours. Of course in this profession, working part time is always an option. But it is true that some of the fields in medicine are more demanding but others are more flexible as well as accommodating.

5. Educational field:

This is the profession in which you can see more number of women staff as the working hours are pretty helpful for a woman as it helps her to manage both her personal as well as professional life. Apart from that, this career also demands intellectual aptitude, patience and communication skills. If you want to make use of your education, this is one such field which creates you abundant opportunities to share your knowledge with others.