Best Career Options for Indian Women

2. Designers:

This field is particularly meant for creative women who like to get engaged in creative stuffs throughout the day. It all depends upon their aptitude and qualification to pursue a career in this field. Designing field in India is really a very broad field as it involves apparel designing, jewellery designing, website designing, graphic designing etc. Women have proved themselves far better than men when it comes to this field as they have more artistic sense than men.

3. Counseling/ Social work:

Women in India are very eager to fight for the society mainly to women related problems. So, more women in this country tend to involve themselves in social services by becoming a member in different NGOs and other organizations. Counseling is also a very good profession for a woman if she has strong communication skills and ability to listen to what other share with them. If she has the ability to solve the problems and has the required qualification for this profession, it is really a good profession to opt for.