Are You Sick of Slow Work Day?

Bangalore: We generally tend to feel sick and tired after a stressful hectic work day. But, a new study highlights that it is in fact a slow day at the office that makes an employee more liable to call in sick. According to, during the study researchers of Karolinska Institute in Stockholm noted that participants were 2.5 times more probable to call in sick on days they anticipated to have less workload, compared and contrasted with days when they had normal assigned work. And the threat was even higher if employees’ depression had started the day before they called in sick.

The researchers mentioned "Our results indicate that non-medical factors may have trigger effects on short-term sick leave," in the February issue of the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. The conclusion of the research explains that some recruits are less contented with their jobs and have nothing useful to do in the workplace therefore they are less motivated to work and they call in sick. Other reason is that the managers may support the sick employees to remain at home when there is less workload.