Stress Can Prove to be an Advantage

Bangalore:  Are you stressed up in your career? If yes, then remember that although too much of stress is injurious for your health, a healthy level of it can pump up both your body and mind and can be helpful for peak performance, reports, Sue Shellenbarger of The Wall Street Journal .

According to researchers and psychologists, by knowing to categorize and handle people’s effects to stress, an individual can build up improved outlooks as well as progress in performance on cognitive tests, at work and in athletics.

Our body responses normally when it faces an assignment where in fact performance matters to goals or well-being: the sympathetic nervous system and the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands impel stress hormones, adrenaline and cortical, into the bloodstream. Heartbeat and breathing speed up, and muscles uptight.

The research conducted by Wendy Mendes, an associate professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, and others highlights what divides healthy stress from harmful anxiety. An individual undergoing beneficial or "adaptive" stress feel pumped. The blood vessels expand, escalating blood flow to aid the brain, muscles and limbs gather a challenge, similar to the effects of aerobic exercise.