What Does Your CEO Looks Like? Have Any Idea?

What Does Your CEO Looks Like? Have Any Idea?

Bangalore: A CEO plays a major role in the business by controlling the entire organization, he/she is the one who can manipulate markets and amend brand perceptions at once. However, the question arises here is how many of you have actually met your company's CEO and knows what he/ she exactly looks like? If you don't know your company's CEO, then do not think that you are the only one who do not know the CEO of the company because a new survey conducted by "Career builder", found that, more than 7,000 full-time staffs reveal that although most staffs have met the CEO of the organization many don't even know what he/she looks like.

According to the findings of the career builder survey that was conducted by Harris Interactive between November 9 and December 5, 2011, 60 percent of the staffs reveal that they have met their company's CEO; on the other hand 40 percent say that they have not met their CEO. The survey results also highlight the fact that employees in business services, sales and manufacturing are most expected to have met their CEO. Whereas, majority of workers in IT, financial services and retail industry, said that, they have not met their Company's main lead.

"Employees realize their top leaders can't know everyone on a first name basis, but they do expect their leaders to be a public symbol that embodies the organization's values." said Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of human resources at CareerBuilder.

The survey noted that 21 percent of American employee's in fact don't know what their CEO looks like. As location, where you live matters a lot in knowing a CEO, a majority (23 percent) of workers who do not know their CEO looks like was from Midwest and South, followed by West and East with 19 percent and 18 percent respectively.

Furthermore, after the worker's knowledge of CEO that fell off significantly, the study also demonstrated that worker's knowledge of the organizational chart is also limited as only 35 percent of workers can name all of the C-level officers at their company, whereas, an additional 21 percent can only name some C-level officers. The other main area where the workers lacked knowledge was how much their company generates in revenue each year, as 68 percent of staffs lacked knowledge in that.