Top Cities to Work in Middle East Countries

Bangalore: The trend of Indian human talents to flow out to Middle East for job search is not faded even the job forecasts say India will create 3.75 Crore jobs by 2020. Working abroad is one of the passions for every Indians today. Regardless of that, due to many domestic constraints like illiteracy and unskilled nationals, many of the Middle East companies recruit talents from overseas. Recent studies showed Middle East job vacancies up 14 percent last month in online job advertisements. Saudi Arabia offers the most opportunities for job seekers.

If you are searching a job in Middle East cities, you should know which cities are best to live and work, and which cities decline job postings. Also you should know which sectors offer more job openings. We have reviewed many reports to figure out the best Middle East cities where you can search your dream job.

Abu Dhabi

The capital city of UAE is the second most expensive city for emigrant employees in the region and it is also considered as the affluent city in the world, according to Fortune magazine and CNN reports. Contributing more than half of the country’s GDP, Abu Dhabi stands as the major economic hub. Compared to other emigrant destinations, the locals here are not being friendly to you. Even though it is harder to integrate country’s society, you can experience a remarkable social life with other expats like you.

Getting a visa to enter Abu Dhabi is more straightforward, even if UAE immigration and labor laws demands to complete all documentation in the home country itself. The main attraction to the most of the Middle East countries is the tax-free salary. Apart from the employment package, basic benefits include 30 days of calendar leave a year. And most of the corporate provides annual flights back to their employees’ home country. But being the richest city, the cost of living is higher here.