Best Countries to Live and Work

Bangalore: Many of you would have dreamt about working abroad firstly to earn lots of money, for passion, and sometimes for the pride of your family. Earlier, there were very few Indians who were given a chance of working abroad, but now the trend has entirely changed as you can see lot of them are flying to other countries for a good future in your professional life. At the beginning of this month, you got to know some of the worst destinations to work abroad. Here for your further knowledge about better work experience abroad, we have listed out the top five countries where you can opt to work with a better living, shortened from the list provided by IIyce Glink on CBS Money Watch Website, according to the study conducted by Brookfield Global relocation services. These 5 countries mentioned hold an attraction for businesses due to large consumer populations, a good supply of resources or labor etc. These key aspects make them the most frequently selected locations by a number of corporations. 

1. China:

Last year about 14 percent of the global companies cited China as the number one destination of the top ten international relocation destinations. China being the home for 19 percent of the world’s population, it has successfully attracted many global companies for access to a huge marketplace.  Shanghai has become one of the most popular cities for emigrants because of its port location and the control over the financial, commerce and tech industries. According to Mercer’s survey on Cost of living, in China a renter can expect to spend over $3,300 per month on a luxurious apartment.