Top 6 Mistakes to Avoid While Job Hunting Online

Bangalore: The hiring trend has changed drastically over the years and the earlier approach of job screening is a thing of the past. In this information era, most recruiters are opting for online screening, which saves precious time and energy. As a result of which, presently, nearly 90 percent of job-hiring in large companies are happening online. Now a day’s, most recruiters generally download the CVs from various job portals or other networking sites and the profiles are screened for exact matches. If any profile is in line with the requirement, the corresponding candidates are approached and offered the job within a matter of days.

Online job applicants generally have a tendency to commit certain common mistakes that might ruin their chances of landing a job. Here is a list of such common mistakes that are better to be avoided, as listed by Rajesh Nair, CEO of TopGear Consultants, on