Top 6 Mistakes to Avoid While Job Hunting Online

1. Applying For Positions That Don’t Match Your Profile:

Most often, numerous candidates apply for roles that are not in line with their profile or tend to apply for different roles within the same company. They fail to realize that such mistakes might damage their reputation in the eyes of the prospected employer and chances are that the recruiters might not take such candidates seriously.

In fact, such mistakes can ruin a candidate’s chance of being considered for a future opening that is in line with his/her profile.

2. Having Multiple Online Profiles:

Having multiple online profiles is a very common trend in recent times. Most candidates even have a tendency to have more than two online profiles, often paradoxical to the other.

In this information era, where every piece of available data is scrutinized thoroughly, having multiple profiles can damage your image. Recruiters in all probability will avoid such profiles at any given time and will almost certainly doubt the credentials of such applicants.