Top 5 Reasons You Won't Get a Feedback for Your Job Application

Bangalore: Many potential professionals wonder why they won’t get a proper feedback after they apply for a job. If you are one such person who is still waiting to hear back from your potential recruiter, the chances might be very less to hear back from them, because, you might have gone wrong while submitting your resume and the covering letter. There might be minor but essential errors in them. Here are five ways explained by Meghan M. Biro on the business insider website, on what might be the reason for not hearing back and also few suggestions on how to get through a job.  

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1. You are not selected at all:

If the job demands for an experienced candidate for the software development position with minimum of 3 to 5 experience, you need to be a candidate with that much of experience or even a bit more than that. If you are not a candidate with that much of experience, then it is better not to apply for that job, as it is for sure that you won’t be getting any feedback for it. If at all you have applied for it even after knowing the job requirement, for sure you won’t get a feedback. So, be careful while applying for a job and make sure it is relevant for your experience and skills.

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