Top 5 Questions You Should Never Ask in the Job Interview

Bangalore: In the job interview process, after the interviewer finishes his or her questions to the candidate, they give a chance for the candidate to ask if he or she has any questions to ask regarding the job or the company they are being recruited for. So, at this moment the candidate should make use of the chance in an excellent way than just asking silly questions. If you are going to appear for any job interview, you need to be very careful in deciding what questions to ask and what not to ask. This is because asking interesting and relevant questions can help you in impressing the recruiter, as it symbolizes your interest towards the job that is been offered to you. Apart from that, asking relevant questions might also help the recruiters get additional insight into you by the type of questions you ask them about.

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So, at a job interview, you need to be very careful in the type of questions that you ask, because, many times your silly questions can kill the good impression that the recruiters had got by your excellent answers for their questions in the earlier stage of the job interview process. So, here is the list of top questions that you need to avoid asking it in the job interview process to the recruiters, as reported on different sources.

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