Top 5 Questions You Should Never Ask in the Job Interview

5.  “What is your company’s primary business? Or, what business does your company do?”

This can emerge as the silliest question you can ever ask because as a job seeker, it is your primary duty to get to know about the company’s every single detail where you are going to interview with. If not the entire details, it is your responsibility to get to know the primary details of the company like when the company was started, who was the founder of the company, what business they are mainly into, etc. If you are unprepared with at least these basic details, then for sure your hiring managers will get annoyed and irritated to know about your unprepared and carelessness as well as your laziness. So, as a good candidate it is your responsibility to gather basic information with a small amount of research to emerge as an interesting and worthy candidate for their company. So, come out of your careless and lazy attitude and look in to the essential things that you need to collect to be properly prepared for the job interview.

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