Top 5 Nations Where Employees Work Least

5. Belgium

Insight on Belgians’ Working Module

Average annual hours per person: 1,446

Average working hours per week: 27.8

Average wage per hour: $38.90 (5th highest)

2011 unemployment rate: 7.2 percent

Unemployment in Belgium fell into 7.2 percent last year which was 8.4 percent, earlier in 2010. Part-time workers are considered 18.8 percent. Among these part-time employees, 79.9 percent are women. It is considerably higher than any other countries.

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Belgium is one of the three ‘Low Countries’ with its geography. And it is one of the founding members of the European Union and also other major international organizations like NATO. Located in the heart of Europe, Belgium has a very integrated transport system to connect with rest of the Europe.

According to OECD’s International Student Assessment Programme, Education system in Belgium ranked 19th in the list of world’s best education.

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