Top 5 Nations Where Employees Work Least

4. Austria

Insight on Austrians’ Working Module

Average annual hours per person: 1,431

Average working hours per week: 27.5

Average wage per hour: $36.63 (6th highest)

2011 unemployment rate: 4.2 percent

Considering the average unemployment rate of OECD’s 8.2 percent, Austria reported nearly half of it, 4.2 percent. While the unemployment rate hits very low, many employees couldn’t find out full-time jobs. Nearly 18.9 percent of employees here are working part-time which is higher than the average of OECD’s 16.5 percent. And 9.02 percent of the employees work more than 50 hours a week while some work for only few hours. Compared to America’s $30.30 per hour average salary, Austria offers much higher rate of this with an average salary which is of $36.63 per hour. On the other hand between 2007 and 2011, salary has increased only an average of 0.3 percent per year.

Check out here 5 Nations with Huge Gender Gaps at the Workplace

Living in one of the world’s richest country, Austrians experience a high standard of living. In 2011 Human Development Index, Austria was ranked 19th in the world.

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