Top 5 Industries with Superior Career Prospects in 2013

Bangalore: The New Year brings in hope of new opportunities and better career prospects. A lot of things have changed in the past year and a lot of things are expected to change in this year. With ground-breaking changes in technology and culture being ushered for the year, 2013 definitely promises a step forward for various industries. 

Also, the job market has begun a distinctly graceful recovery, as a result of which several industries are back at pre-recession levels.

Here is a list of such industries that are on a growth curve and offers a variety of employment opportunities, good salary, manageable work-life balance, and better career prospects, as reported by Shivangi on The CareerMuse [Career Builder] website.

1. Parallel Programming:

Parallel programming is the industry to look out for in 2013. It has made a tremendous impact on a variety of fields starting from computational simulation for engineering and scientific applications to commercial applications in transaction processing and data mining.

Until now, software programming has been the most preferred profession amongst individuals who aspire to take up a career in computer sciences. While this trend is likely to continue, the innovations in hardware architecture and concepts such as hyper-threading, multi-core processors, etc. are bound to propel the parallel programming industry to a new level.