Tips to Deal with Hasty Workplace Criticism

Bangalore: Have you ever dealt with sudden criticism at workplace? If yes, then you must definitely know that it is quite difficult to handle criticism as it hurts a lot when it reaches our ears. In such kind of a situation, it’s advisable for you to react in a normal way because if you overreact it can have an adverse affect on your career. According to “The Economic Times” listed below are the ways through which you can definitely take criticism in your pace, and make it work for you.

1. Do not react: It is a common fact that nobody in this world likes negative feedback from others; therefore, it is advisable for you to control yourself from reacting instantly. Likewise, mind your language, and by no means try to guess what the other person is thinking about you. Reacting in an emotional way may have unwanted conflicts, according to Pravin Subba, Head, human resources, Greenply Industries. “When one reacts, the critic starts emphasizing his point further, which leads to even more criticism”. She adds

2. Try to hear the critic: Remember to hear the critic’s point of view, thus make it a point to acknowledge what the other person is saying about you, in order to ensure that the conversation does not take a negative turn. Likewise, asking the person who is criticizing you for the specific instance and nature of your mistake can help you to relate to it. "I usually encourage employees to ask me questions while I am giving feedback. Once people know what they are being criticized for, they start relating to it. The whole process after that becomes smooth," says Pravin.