The Most Unethical Jobs In India

Child Labor:
They are the most common people found in every luke and corner of India and most likely at the food stalls, tea stalls, mechanic shops and many more.
No matter how strict laws are created by the Indian government against child labor, still millions of underage children can be found at streets, work places and even in houses working as domestic helps. These children are paid very less and are forced to work in the worst conditions.

Production and selling of illegitimate liquor is rampant in metros and countryside in India, with this business is considered as one of the biggest illegal activities going unnoticed in India.
Illegal alcohol is actually consumed by those people who either can’t afford the costly alcohol brands or the individuals who are addicted to country liquor. Even with the Govt taking strict norms by banning alcohol in many states of India, such shameful acts are openly taking place in India
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